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Learn more about the language center USPIKH​

Our team started language courses in 2012 with the aim of providing truly high-quality services in the organization of learning and testing foreign languages. We understand the importance of practical skills of communication in a foreign language in the modern world, and therefore in our work we always focus on preparing students for real language situations, and not on mechanical indentation of rules and unconscious performance of dozens of theoretical exercises. English and German were and remain our priorities. The main advantages of our center:​

  • All our teachers have specialized pedagogical education and significant teaching experience. We are a team of ambitious professionals who enjoy the achievements of our students and we know how to achieve high results. ​

  • The high qualification of our teachers is confirmed by international certificates​

  • Since the beginning of 2020, we have been practicing a mixed learning format (online + optional classroom attendance). This format is optimal from the point of view of learning efficiency and convenience for students​

  • Our courses are based on modern authentic materials and include dozens of hours of audio and video materials. ​

  • At the group selection stage, we strictly monitor that students get a place in the group that suits them according to their age and level of knowledge​

Achievements of our students

Ukraine, Sumy, st. Nizhnevoskresenska 9A, office 7

Monday-Friday, Sunday


+38 066 607 4171

+38 050 406 4015

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